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assembly method造句

"assembly method"是什么意思  
  • Fabrication of colloidal crystal array by self - assembly methods
  • Study of robot active assembly method for round peg - hole
  • Method of the winmm . dll assembly method
  • The virtual assembly method based on constraint value arithmetic
  • Assembly method and instruction
  • Fabrication of photonic band gap crystals through colloid self - assembly methods
  • Be familiar with plastic and metal materials quality requirement and assembly method
  • Assembly equipment and assembly method differs as span , weight and installation height of girder
  • The third part introduce data process interface and plug - in assembly method . it make system extendable and can be custom
  • The fourth part synthesizes the requirement of this system . the fifth part introduces the module of process interface and plug - in assembly method
  • It's difficult to see assembly method in a sentence. 用assembly method造句挺难的
  • If your production code is safe or pure , any callable assembly method can be called and tested , in an executable file or in a dll
  • The point assembly method ( pam ) is another new meshless method based on the theory of interpolation , and at the same time , on the moving element
  • This paper introduces some methods adopted in the structural design of the above components and describes assembly method of collector rings
  • Through the use of autosplice systems , our customers can realize substantial cost savings and superior reliability over conventional connector products and assembly methods
  • In this paper , we prepared cds nanoparticle / organic and au ' nanoparticle composite films via electrostatic self - assembly method ( esam ) and studied their structure and properties
    本文采用静电自组装技术制备了cds纳米颗粒有机物复合膜、 au纳米颗粒复合膜,研究了薄膜结构及其性能。
  • The interference taper assembly of the hub on the shaft is performed hydraulically and at ambient temperature , without dismounting the coupling . other assembly methods are also possible
  • Researches and analyzes aircraft assembly design task , such as assembly methods , assembly action and assembly direction etc . summarizes the characteristics and workflow of wing assembly design . 2
    调研并分析了装配关系、装配动作、装配方向等飞机装配的主要内容,总结了机翼装配的特点及流程; 2
  • This paper presents the study on assembly method , material and structure of the dielectric for improving the heat dissipating performance of slow - wave structures of the helix twt
  • Product 3d cad design , tooling fabrication monitoring , design for manufacturing assembly method and criteria , product cosmetics spec . and costing , define reliability and safety reqirement , communication with customer technical people
  • In this paper the pbg materials including semiconductors , metals , metal oxides , polymers , dyes and others are comprehensively reviewed from a standpoint of chemistry , meanwhile obtaining pbg crystals through these materials by self - assembly methods is recommended
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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